About Us

The name LAXSA is derived from twd unicontana Loomi and Saraswor Lasmi represents wealth and prosperity while Saraswati symbolizes knowledge and wedom. Our ideation evolves around creating a harmonious balance between the two men We understand that an organization may pot ather wealth or knowledge, but true su achieved when both aspects are integrated LAKSA me to provide the necessary framework and expertise to transform brands into cognand entities in the corporate sector, ensuring their growth and revenue

LAXSA Enterprise is a dynamic organization that specializes in establishing and promoting products and services in the corporate sector. With our core expertise and comprehensive approach, we aim to bridge the gaps between brands and their target markets, empowering them to thrive in the competitive business landscape. Our mission is to provide a framework that recognizes and enhances brands, enabling them to generate substantial revenue and achieve long-term success.


LAXSA aspires to become a global network of Brand Gift Management Organizations. By leveraging our expertise and strategic partnerships, we aim to connect brands with their target markets worldwide. We envision a future where our network facilitates the seamless exchange of innovative products and services, fostering growth and prosperity for both brands and consumers.


Our mission encompasses two primary objectives:

  • 1 Product/Sub-Brand Establishment

    We strive to assist brands in establishing their products and sub-brands effectively. Through our expertise and comprehensive approach, we provide valuable insights and strategies that enable brands to penetrate their target markets successfully.

  • 2Empowering Startups, MSMES, and Corporates

    We are committed to supporting startups, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMES), and corporates. By providing them with tailored solutions and guidance, we empower them to overcome challenges, maximize their potential, and achieve sustainable growth.


Pranav Shah
Founder & CEO
Niyati Soni